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5 Things to do after being terminated

Job termination is not the end of the road

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Being fired can feel like the end of the world, but it happens unfortunately. Shortly after termination, things can feel overwhelming and catastrophic.
It's not easy but it is imperative to get on the right track as soon as possible in order to get back on the road to employment.  Here with more is career coach Cassandra Whitlow.  Having a plan will help you feel more in charge and in control of the situation. Here are 5 tips to know if you are terminated:

 1) KNOW WHY YOU LOST YOUR JOB – Never leave the company without knowing why. If there is ambiguity and suspicion, ask questions and get to the bottom of why you are being fired. You need to know these things fully so you won’t repeat those actions in the future and for your own personal and professional growth.

2) APPLY FOR UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS – Find out if you are eligible for unemployment benefits. Just because you were terminated does not disqualify you for unemployment benefits. That is a myth and not true. Although the amount of money given is usually modest, it will help with bills such as rent, mortgage, utilities, and day-to-day costs.

3) UPDATE YOUR RESUME - Dust off your resume and get it updated with all accomplishments, new skills, and certifications. You will now have to compete for jobs so do everything you can to stand out with new and updated information highlighted and reflected on your resume.

4) CHECK YOUR ONLINE PRESENCE - Take time to check yourself out online. Google yourself, look at Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media to ensure the content is respectable in case an Employer decides to do a search on you. Don’t be afraid to take down posts of anything you feel could be questionable or distasteful, it may be the step taken to become a top candidate for your next job.

5) STAY POSITIVE & SET NEW GOALS – Losing a job is stressful and can wear on your mental, emotional, and physical health. Be sure to take steps to ensure you’re happiness. Take care of yourself. Talk to a trusted friend when you’re doubtful or stressed out; go for a walk outside and spend time in nature; read upbeat, encouraging books and articles. Set new career goals. This may be the best time to consider a career change.

For more information visit CassandraWhitlow.com  You can also buy her book "Survival Guide For The Unemployed" on Amazon.com

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