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Eye misalignment can cause serious problems

CEENTA can correct eye misalignment

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Eye misalignment can affect us at any age and cause communication and serious eye health problems.  Here with more on the causes, symptoms and treatment of eye misalignment is Dr. McKee, pediatric ophthalmologist and strabismus specialist.

The causes of eye misalignment are various, and sometimes unknown. Potential causes include high farsightedness, thyroid eye disease, cataract, eye injuries, myasthenia gravis, cranial nerve palsies, and in some patients it may be caused by brain or birth problems.  Symptoms of eye misalignment and binocular vision dysfunction include blurred vision, eyestrain, eye pain, difficulty driving, motion sickness, headaches, double vision, and eye fatigue, especially when focusing on near work.

The most common treatments for strabismus are glasses. Wearing glasses can sometimes correct mild strabismus. Also using a temporary eye patch over the stronger eye if your child has amblyopia. This can make the weak eye stronger, which may help align the eyes.  Surgery on the eye muscles may be required. Getting an examination is crucial for proper diagnosis.  If you have children don’t worry we at CEENTA can diagnosed kids very easily. We also utilize toys and lights to help children when doing an examination. We try to make an examination fun for kids.  If you or anyone you may know is having any of the problems or symptoms caused by eye misalignment visit CEENTA.com online or schedule an appointment with Dr. Mckee.  Dr. McKee practices out of our SouthPark, Belmont, and Statesville offices.

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