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Get your Flu Shot with CVS Pharmacy

Facts and Myths concerning the Flu

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Flu season can be extremely problematic for you and your family. Getting the flu can cause a lot of down time for a family and interrupt the normal flow of day to day living. On today's show, we were joined by Sepideh Manafi, District Leader for CVS to talk about the importance of getting a flu shot and Sonja Hoang, CVS Pharmacy Manager who administered the flu vaccination to Eugene and Mia. On the show, we learned, The Flu is very common and it can spread like wildfire. “Influenza (flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat and sometimes the lungs” says Manafi. There are two main types of flu viruses: types A and B. The influenza A and B viruses that routinely spread in people are responsible for seasonal flu epidemics each year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the timing of flu season is difficult to predict and can vary in different parts of the country and from season to season. “Typically, it’s important to get your annual flu vaccination in early fall because it’s best to be vaccinated before the flu begins spreading in your community” says Manafi..

She goes on to say “There are some common myths concerning the flu that need to be debunked.” They are:

 Myth 1: Influenza is not serious so I don’t need the vaccine.

Fact: As many as 650,000 people a year can die from The Flu. We learned, this only represents respiratory deaths, so the likely impact is even higher. Even healthy people can get The Flu, but especially people whose immune systems are vulnerable. Most people will recover within a few weeks, but some can develop complications including sinus and ear infections, pneumonia, heart or brain inflammations.

Myth 2: The flu vaccine can give me the flu.

Fact: The injected flu vaccine contains an inactivated virus that cannot give you influenza. If you feel achy or slightly feverish, it is a normal reaction of the immune system to the vaccine, and generally lasts only a day or two.

Myth 3: I had the vaccine and still got the flu, so it doesn’t work.

Fact: Several flu viruses are circulating all the time, which is why people may still get The Flu despite being vaccinated since the vaccine is specific to one strain. However, being vaccinated improves the chance of being protected from the flu. This is especially important to stop the virus affecting people with vulnerable immune systems.

Myth 4: I am pregnant so shouldn’t get the flu vaccine.

Fact: Pregnant women should especially get The Flu vaccine since their immune systems are weaker than usual. The inactivated Flu vaccine is safe at any stage of pregnancy.

Some people, such as people 65 years and older, young children and people with certain health conditions, are at higher risk of serious flu complications. “We are prepared and expect to see a normal volume of flu vaccinations this season and have taken proactive measures to ensure access to flu shots for patients at CVS Pharmacy and MinuteClinic® locations” says Manafi. She adds “The best way to protect yourself from The Flu and its" potentially serious complications is to get vaccinated each year.” “Getting The Flu shot as Mia and Eugene will see takes very little time and the protection you get goes a long way” says Hoang. She adds “I administer shots regularly, and getting The Flu Shot means you are protecting your loved ones and the community from the spread of potentially dangerous infection.” CVS is able to go out to your site to administer the flu vaccine. For more information and to make an appointment visit CVS.com. CVS Pharmacy will have all the latest updated information of how you can protect yourself, your family and friends.

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