Don’t let your spending get out of control. As you reflect and head into a new season be wise with your spending. Here with more is Jenny Martin from Southern Savers.
"If you’re going to save money you need to cut back on spending habits” says Martin. She adds “maybe you decide to eat out less, no more coffee runs, or no new clothes this month.” “The goal is to cut back for just one month on those areas as much as you can.” “Having the one-month goal makes it not feel impossible, and hopefully at the end of the month you've made some new habits that you can keep!”
Tips to Spend Less:
Tip 1. Don’t eat out for lunch: Save yourself some money stop eating out. Those lunch excursion get costly if you are not careful. Bring your lunch to work from leftover from dinner.
Tip 2. Skip coffee shops: If you plan your coffee at home to make yourself cos tabout 35 cents as opposed to $2-$5 at the coffee shop
Tip 3. No new clothes: Take a break from impulse buying and getting new clothes. Look in your closet and wear what you have for a month or two.
Tip 4. Only use the library or free apps for books: Did you know your library card gives you access to books, and movies. Check with the library before getting movies or books.
Tip 5. Use one streaming service each month: You don’t have to have 3 to 5 streaming services. You don’t have a contract with them so be wise and use one service a month.
Tip 6. No craft supplies for the month: For you DIYers you can take a break from the craft store or Big box lumber stores that have everything you may need but are costly. Take a break from painting cabinets or refacing surfaces.
Tip 7. No drive-thru splurges: Drive through splurging especially with a large family cost a lot. Plan your meals at home to avoid the unnecessary and costly drive thru runs.
For more great tips visit