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Take time out for mental health

We all must attend to our mental health

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Mental health keeps rearing its ugly head and continue to plague many in our community.  What are some things the patient should do and what are somethings the caregiver should be mindful of. Juliet Kuehnle from Sun Counseling and Wellness has some suggestions of things we all can do to attend to the mental health situation we are facing.

The person who has mental health issue , need to know that that is normal and that it is part of the human experience. We all have issues that need attention. We spend so much time on our occupational , academic, athletic self that we spend very little time on our mental health. Its okay to take the time and get help if you need it. As for the caregiver know that you are not alone. There are some things you can do. Create an environment that is psychologically safe for the person having issues. You can also notice when the people around when the veer from their normal course of activities, conversation mood etc...  It is so important in that each participant in the circle of mental health be on the same page. If you are going to have multiple cooks in the kitchen then you have to all singing the same tune. This is critical for getting the help and healing one needs.  Too often in our community when mental health goes unchecked it leads to dire outcomes that affect people , family members, doctors for life. Recently, therer were a number of deaths by suicide that only underscore how we continue to fail each other when it comes to mental health. Kuehnle suggests that if you are feeling too overwhelmed do not be afraid to reach out to a doctor or talk to a therapist. You must take care of your mental health. For more information visit SunCounselingandWellness.com

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