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Titanic: Why do we love this disaster so much?

The Daybreak gang chats about Titanic 2 and we have an update on the kid who had the birthday party and nobody came. He's gone from bawlin' to ballin'!

Let's start with an update to yesterday's big trending story the little boy in Arizona whose mom posted a pic of him at an empty table after no one came to his birthday pizza party.

Last night, Teddy Bollinger and his dad were courtside for the Phoenix Sun's game. He also got some custom jerseys and birthday wishes from players--having what he called "the best day ever."

Teddy's dad addressed continued speculation the now viral picture was a hoax staged by Teddy's mom. He says it's not a hoax. They really threw a party and no one came. Teddy's dad also said that a lot of the parents and the kids have since apologized for not showing up.

I didn't really think the whole thing was staged, but I do think Teddy's mom did sort of see an opportunity and took a shot hoping it might lead to this kind of response.

Teddy is still adorable and had a great night.

Now that I'm done with that, let me get fired up about something else.

We have to talk about Titanic 2.

Not a movie. A boat.

You've probably heard about this by now. An exact replica of the Titanic has been in the works for awhile. It's set to make the same trip as the original with the same number of passengers and crew in 20-22.

This time is different though, you guys. It will have plenty of lifeboats and safety technology on board. What could go wrong?

I was thinking about this, and I don't think there has been more desire to relive a disaster like there is with the Titanic. 1,503 people died frozen horrible terrifying deaths and we're like: Sign. Me. Up. King of the World! Heart of the Ocean! Celine Dion doing that thing where she pounds her chest.

The worst part is: if you're like me, you forget you're not like Rose in the movie. So if I'm on Titanic 2 and things get dicey--again, I'll end up like Jack clinging to a door if I'm lucky. I don't know about your bank account but I'm not sitting at the Jacob Astor table. I'm in steerage getting swept down a narrow corridor as it fills up with water. That's if I don't get thrown overboard by four hedge fund managers scrambling for a lifeboat once the boat hits the berg.

I can't think of any other awful thing that we're so eager to revisit. No one is pitching a return to say, the Hindenburg. Been awhile. Let's give that another shot! It's just not happening!

I feel like no one can believe it happened the first time so there's an overwhelming need for a truly epic do-over. It's fascinating to me. What do you think? One member of Daybreak would be happy to get onboard. Watch the video to see who it is!

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