CHARLOTTE, N.C. — What would you do if you met the person holding you back from success? What if I told you that person's already in your life?
Are you hindering yourself rom reaching the next level in your life? Are you the only person working against your own success? I am here to tell you, boldly, that the only person who can keep you from success is you.
You create an internal picture that prevents you from extending yourself into your intended life. The intended life is the powerful, success-driven life where you conquer yourself, the world and win!
My friends, the world is like a mirror; constantly reflecting back to you the life you have settled for. If you are not pleased with the life you are currently living, what are you doing to change it? Remember, what you see is subject to change when you apply correct energies to the power of changing.
If you want more, believe in more. Like a mirror in a coffin, bury the idea of a reflection that doesn't resemble you winning. You were created to win, so win!
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