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911 dispatcher awarded for helping young boys during mother's murder

911 Dispatchers do a lot to help in emergency situations, and few of them are very rarely rewarded. Now one dispatcher is being awarded for helping two young brothers survive a brutal night of violence.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. - 911 Dispatchers do a lot to help in emergency situations, and few of them are very rarely rewarded. Now one dispatcher is being awarded for helping two young brothers survive a brutal night of violence.

Answering that call, the call you've trained for, but don't expect just months on the job. Filling in for someone else.

"I will never forget their names, I will never forget meeting them. I will never forget that call," said 911 dispatcher Samantha Beebe.

After a man stabbed hid girlfriend, two young boys had jumped out the window and run to a neighbors house. That's when they called 911, and Beebe answered.

She helped calm the boys, saying, "Stay on the phone with me ok? And are you safe? You're at a neighbor's house?"

Just minutes into the call, help arrived on the scene. Samantha saw the squad cars pull up on her computer and reassured the young man on the line.

"You did a good job, Son. You did a good job."

Friday, 911 for Kids recognized Beebe for her heroism. Interim Chief Anthony Kelly with the Fayetteville Police says she earned the recognition.

"Samantha remained so calm which allowed the young boys to remain calm and I think by having that initial positive interaction with dispatch. Hopefully it helps him recover as he gets older."

Samantha remained humble and credits her training. "It took over," she said. "As soon as I knew what was happening,everything just kicked in. It's an honor to just do it, honestly."

Since that time, Samantha has befriended the brothers, even spending time with them during the holidays.

911 for Kids has helpful information for parents and guardians:

  • Never too early to learn about 9-1-1
  • Kids should know their address and who to ask for on the phone
  • Parents are encouraged to 'role-play' a 911 call for all emergencies.

A hero awarded for helping young brother's survive their mother's murder, while guiding police straight to a killer.

"I couldn't be more happier to be here."

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