HILDEBRAN, N.C. — Burke County Schools launched a daycare program at five different sites for families who need to work during the coronavirus pandemic.
The county is one of the only districts in the region to offer daycare, which costs families $15 a day.
As parents drop their children off at a daycare site, a school employee takes each child's temperature, and they ask parents if they have fever-like symptoms or have been in contact with someone who has a fever.
Ann Effler is Hildebran Elementary School's before-school and after-school director, and she said many parents are thrilled with the program.
"They have been so appreciative," Effler said. "They were just, 'thank you guys so much for opening and helping us out.'"
The county cared for 63 kids Thursday though the county expects more families to sign up.
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The program prioritizes spots for children of healthcare workers, front-line employees and people who need child care so they can stay employed.
The district routinely cleans and disinfects every classroom, and every teacher staffing a daycare site must get their temperature checked.
For more information on the program and daycare sites, click here.