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'Not a day goes by without me missing your presence' | Allisha Watts' sister shares note to Allisha

The note says the Moore County community loves and misses her, and hopes she comes home soon.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The search continues for Allisha Watts, a month after her family reported her missing. 

The missing 39-year old from Moore County woman was last seen on July 16 with her boyfriend, James Dunmore, leaving his Charlotte home.

Now, her sister is reaching out and hoping to make contact. The sister released a new note to Allisha Watts, saying people from all over have joined the effort to look for her. 

The note also says the Moore County community loves and misses her, and hopes she comes home soon. Her family is now using a national database to help find her.

The full note is as follows:

It has been 30 days, 4 weeks, and 730 hours since you were last seen and the hours and days just keep passing by without any indication of your whereabouts. Lisha your disappearance has affected so many people that love and care about you dearly; even complete strangers around world are brought to tears at the sound of your name! I myself am devastated some days it’s a struggle to let my feet touch the floor! The days are kind of  starting to run together and at the end of the day I have to work myself up to do it all over again the next day. I find myself struggling with deciphering between what day of the week it is, but one thing for sure another day/24 hours has gone by and you are not here. Our family misses you so much! Your friends and our devoted community miss you too! Honestly speaking, I never knew how much value you added to our community in Moore County until now! I’m so proud of you for being that staple in our community and it’s time for you to take back your seat at the table and get back to being the Boss that you were destined to be! You are the true definition of getting it out of the mud, so to speak! I’m trying so hard to stay positive and to remain hopeful in this situation but Lisha it’s starting to take a toll on all of us because  we can’t find you.  It’s taking you too long to return to us! Not a day goes by without me missing your presence. If you are out there Allisha please don’t give up! Continue to fight as we search for you. We will be right here to nurse you back to health. I will never give up faith in finding you alive. I know a lot of time has passed now but you are the true definition of a fighter. I love you beyond words. I will now and forever be “My Sister’s Keeper.”

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