CHARLOTTE, N.C. — We know that cold weather can impact flights, but what about the heat? The higher temperatures cause changes to the air that can impact the ease with which a plane takes flight.
Let’s connect the dots.
During flight, a plane and the air constantly push against one another. The two interact in a way that is similar to the way humans do while floating in the water.
But higher temperatures can affect the way that the air is pushing against the plane. The air becomes thinner in the high heat, which means that the plane will need more power and fuel to fly.
But making these adjustments adds weight to the plane. So, airports may have to adjust as well.
While there is no easy solution, airlines may move long-haul flights to cooler times in the day, such as early morning or later in the evening. Runways may even need to be lengthened to allow more distance for plans to reach takeoff speed.