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'Cars crash into our yard,' | Gastonia community calling for enhanced safety measures in their neighborhood

Residents living off of Lakeview and 5th avenue say speeding is becoming a huge issue.

GASTONIA, N.C. — Michael Barrett and his family love sitting on their front porch. While they enjoy nature, often the whistle from their wind chimes is interrupted by reviving sounds of engines as cars race down their street.

"I just think they're crazy they're fly up and down the road," Barrett said.

Sometimes an unpredictable turn on 5th Avenue in Gastonia leaves many drivers in his front yard.

"I would say this has happened at least six or seven times, a neighbor said someone actually ran through her yard and died," Barrett said.

Barrett said it's an issue that needs quick solutions because many kids play in the area.

"There are kids all up and down the road, and many of them stand on the corner to catch the school bus," Barrett said.

The neighborhood pushed for speed bumps, but they were told they could not add one because the area is a major traffic area.

"I even tried to put up concrete barriers, but up they said anyone hit them I would be responsible," Barrett said.

City leaders say the city of Gastonia and the police department are committed to making sure streets and neighborhoods are safe.

They said the traffic division of the Gastonia Police Department has been working to address traffic concerns for residents living in this area, recently lowering the speed limit to 25 mph.

It's a new rule Barrett said is broken too often.

"They are not going to slow down and somebody is going get to hurt eventually or killed, I just want city leaders to do something," Barrett said.

Donyel Barber, the Gastonia council member for the area, said she wasn’t aware of the extent of this issue. Barber said when adding speed bumps there is a process including traffic studies, residents say they’re not going to stop until something is done.

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