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Gastonia seniors allowed to keep flying flags

Senior citizens living in Gastonia Housing Authority's Linwood Terrace are allowed to continue flying American flags despite a previous order prohibiting them.

GASTONIA, N.C. -- Senior citizens living in Gastonia Housing Authority's Linwood Terrace are allowed to continue flying American flags despite a previous order prohibiting them.

Neighbors and Housing Authority Executive Director Gary Foster met Tuesday afternoon and reached a compromise after some residents' complaints on social media received attention.

Linda Rhyne said she was distraught after a Housing Authority employee told her she wasn't allowed to attach an American flag to her building nor her garden.

"I cherish that flag as much as I represent my life," Rhyne said.

Foster said his employees expressed concern specifically for flags attached to the exterior walls of the buildings.

He cited community policy banning objects from being attached to exterior building walls and regulations on how the American flag should properly be flown.

However, Foster, a military veteran, said he'll allow residents to keep the flags up until he hears back from his attorneys.

He said he'll try to craft a policy that's both legal and satisfies neighbors.

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