LANCASTER COUNTY, S.C. — Chief Francis Butch Ghent with the McDonald Green Volunteer Fire Department has been placed on administrative leave for two weeks following a racially insensitive Facebook post, according to a statement released by the fire department.
Ghent previously posted a status on Facebook reading, "Dear Police, stop responding to these black neighborhoods. They will eventually kill each other and the fake news won't have a story."
Ghent has since released an apology, saying his post was meant to "jab at the news media" rather than attack the Black community of Lancaster County.
"I would like to apologize to the black community of Lancaster and through out the country. The post I made on Facebook was not meant to be an attack you but rather a jab at the news media. My father instilled in me that the police were to be respected and honored not matter what. The media has done everything they can to demonize them to get a story and ratings. After the police shot and killed the teenage girl trying to kill another girl the media said he went to far. But if he had let her kill the other girl then they would have said he should have done more. The police can't win in these violent confrontations. I lost it and made that post. The wording was very inappropriate but anger blinded my judgement.
I would also like to apologize to my family, fire department, Lancaster County Fire Service and the leaders of Lancaster County. I hope that my actions haven't put you in harms way. I have served the residents of Lancaster County for over 40 years. I don't see color in the residents that I serve. I help whomever calls with dignity and respect. I have many black friends and neighbors that I more than likely have offended. I am truly sorry.
I made a mistake and am very sorry for it. I again ask for your forgiveness."
On Tuesday, Lancaster County Council issued a statement condemning the post, saying it was "contrary to the values and beliefs of Lancaster County government." Since Ghent is a volunteer firefighter with an independent volunteer fire department, the county was not able to take disciplinary action but urged the fire department to address the matter.
Wednesday, the fire department announced that Ghent would be relieved of all duties for the two-week administrative leave pending an internal investigation.