CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The North Carolina Department of Transportation is starting to develop plans to improve Providence Road and several of its intersections.
Along Providence Road, there are signs of growth.
“It needs to be widened to four lanes, all the way to Waxhaw," Charlotte resident Ed Hill said.
The more growth Charlotte sees, the more traffic there is.
Now, the city of Charlotte is working to be proactive. The city has asked NCDOT to perform a feasibility study for a few intersections of Providence Road.
A feasibility study bridges the gap between a project’s conceptual planning and programming phases, taking a more comprehensive approach to identifying potential corridor and intersection improvements, an NCDOT spokesperson said.
The study includes Sharon Lane and Sharon Amity Road, Sardis and Fairview Roads, and Wendover Road. The goal is to relieve congestion.
“Any improvement would be helpful,” Tommy George, owner of Pasta & Provisions, said.
George says their location on Providence Road is familiar with the headaches traffic can bring.
“Always been really busy, but definitely has gotten busier over the years,” George said.
The study will evaluate different designs, permitting, cost, and constructability.
Meanwhile, some believe a part of the solution to congestion is different forms of transportation.
“I would study putting in more bike lanes, I honestly feel people would get out of their cars and commute by bike if it was safe,” George said.
Cost estimates are still being developed, which would complete the study. There are no concrete plans, at this time.
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