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Restaurant near uptown may be haunted

Haunted houses are all the rage on Halloween. But employees say the old house they work in near uptown, which doubles as a local restaurant, is haunted.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Haunted houses are all the rage on Halloween. But employees say the old house they work in near uptown, which doubles as a local restaurant, is haunted.

A series of spooky events prompted a paranormal investigation at Kennedy's Premium Bar and Grill on Seventh and Caswell Streets just outside of uptown.

Kennedy's General Manager Brad Scorse says ghosts appear to be a permanent part of the old creaky house. And, he says, he's typically the last person to believe it.

Then, he showed NewsChannel 36 what his staff has experienced.

Doors opening and closing, stuff like that, Scorse said. Radios going on and off.

The incidents that really spooked them? Seeing someone at the bathroom after Kennedy's was closed with the doors locked and all customers gone.

When there's no one else in the building, (it) makes you wonder what's going on.

The Charlotte Area Paranormal Society heard about the incidents at Kennedy's and did a five hour, 10 camera investigation focusing on the dining room and bathroom areas.

They were looking for EVP's, electronic voice phenomenons.

Director Tina Mcswain said they heard noises, like a woman s sigh, at 5:23 a.m. To NewsChannel 36, it didn't sound like much of anything.

Mcswain says the recordings were not altered, and in the paranormal world, even the smallest EVP's are a big deal. She says usually they catch nothing on tape.

After they die, they just don't move on. It could be some strange circumstances that they technically don't know that they're dead, so they just go about their normal routine, Mcswain said.

With 100 paranormal investigations under her belt, we asked if Mcswain thinks Kennedy's is haunted.

I would say yes it is. There are some strange things going on there.

And NewsChannel 36 posed the same question to Brad, who says his entire life he's never believed in ghosts.

I'd say haunted.

According to Mcswain Kennedy's was a farm house a long time ago, but in her research she couldn't find anything tragic that happened there.

Then again she says that's not a requirement for a place to be haunted.

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