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State taking close look at Carowinds' new Fury 325 ride

The state is going to take a closer look at Fury 325, the newest and tallest roller coaster at Carowinds Amusement Park.
Fury 325

ID=70419368YORK COUNTY, S.C. -- The state is going to take a closer look at Fury 325, the newest and tallest roller coaster at Carowinds Amusement Park.

This, after the ride came to an unexpected stop on Saturday near the top of one of the steepest drops.

The ride also came to a similar stop the previous weekend and there appears to have been some kind of incident last Friday, however that could not be confirmed.

Katherine Milam said she had a friend who will not ever ride Fury 325 again after what happened Saturday.

"One of my friends was telling us that she was stuck up there and they were scared," MIlam said.

Tommy Petty with the State Labor Department that is responsible for amusement park rides said he would be coming to the park to take a closer look.

Petty said he would "ask questions of the people that've been running it to see exactly what the situation has been."

NBC Charlotte first reported last week that there had been six other incidents involving rides since Carowinds opened earlier in April.

While some park regulars said they would shy away from Fury for now, Ryan Andrews said he would ride it as often as he could.

"There are safety precautions. You could climb down," he said.

Carowinds' spokesperson said the issue was again a sensor that is designed to stop the train if it detects a glitch.

After this original story aired, Carowinds sent NBC Charlotte a statement. It reads:

The real story here is rides are highly sophisticated attractions with built in control and safety systems. Fury 325 has over 450 sensors. Much like your car, if the check engine light comes on, there may not be a problem but you eventually drive it to see a mechanic. The same thing happens with our rides but we don't wait to have our engineers take a look. The ride stops at designated locations. We realize the stoppage may be a bit of an inconvenience to the guest, but it gives our engineers a few moments to evaluate before sending riders on their way.

Once again – we'd like to reiterate these rides are performing EXACTLY as they are designed to do. We have overlapping layers of inspections for all of our rides, and work hand in hand with regulatory agencies and third party inspectors.

Fury has delivered over a quarter million rides in just five short weeks.

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