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Tega Cay gets aggressive on coyote control

A community overwhelmed by coyote attacks has a more aggressive plan to solve the city wide problem.

TEGA CAY, S.C. -- A community overwhelmed by coyote attacks has a more aggressive plan to solve the city wide problem.

"A lot of folks were really upset, just really felt like the public education wasn't making any headway," said Charlie Funderburk, the Tega Cay city manager. "The sightings were starting to creep up again."

Lonnie Mikolon has lived in Tega Cay for 20 years. He sees coyotes almost every day when he's walking his dog.

As more pictures of coyotes pop up, concerns continue to grow. Lonnie used to have three cats and a dog. That is until he says a coyote ate two of his cats.

Similar stories like Lonnie's got back to Charlie Funderburk. In December the City implemented a coyote management plan. By the end of January the city moved forward with something more practical.

"City council did vote and directed myself and staff to contract with a company that will come in and trap the coyotes then take them off site, then euthanize," said Funderburk.

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