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'We gotta win this state' | President Donald Trump makes final push in North Carolina on eve of the election

Trump held another “Make America Great Again” rally at the Fayetteville Regional Airport Monday morning before a crowd of several thousand.

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. — In a final push crisscrossing critical states on a potential path to four more years of his presidency, Donald Trump once again stopped in North Carolina telling a crowd in Fayetteville Monday with a message: “We gotta win this state.”

Trump held another “Make America Great Again” rally at the Fayetteville Regional Airport Monday morning before a crowd of several thousand.

Fayetteville was one of five campaign stops for the President on Monday, as he blitzed swing states on the eve of the election.

A recent NBC poll showed Trump trailing his democratic rival Joe Biden in North Carolina and other battleground states in the final days of the campaign.

The President called the polls “crooked stuff” and encouraged his crowd of supporters in North Carolina to ignore the polls and head to the polls instead.

“Get out and vote that’s all I ask,” Trump said. “Take a little time and vote.”

The visit to Fayetteville marked the second time in 24 hours that Trump visited North Carolina. The President was in Hickory on Sunday.

RELATED: President Trump holds 'Make America Great Again' rally in Hickory

Trump took aim at Biden during the Fayetteville rally, drawing a stark contrast between himself and his opponent.

"This election comes down to a simple choice: Do you want to be ruled by the arrogant, corrupt, ruthless and selfish political class, or do you want to be governed by the American people themselves?" he said.

Monday afternoon, first lady Melania Trump held a rally in Huntersville.

RELATED: Melania Trump to visit Huntersville Monday

“We can all agree we need my husband as commander in chief for four more years,” the first lady said to a cheering crowd.

The visit from the President on Monday was likely his last stop in North Carolina before Election Day.

Meanwhile, Biden spent Monday trying to close the deal in the “rust belt,” making stops in Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Jill Biden is expected to visit Wake County on Tuesday, Election Day.


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