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Gaston Co. Magistrate latest to quit over gay marriage

A Gaston County magistrate quit his job so he wouldn't have to perform same sex marriages.
A Gaston County magistrate quit his job so he wouldn't have to perform same sex marriages.

GASTON COUNTY, N.C. -- A Gaston County magistrate quit his job so he wouldn't have to perform same sex marriages.

While some North Carolina lawmakers are pushing for a religious exemption, gay rights advocates say if they can't follow the law, they shouldn't keep their job.

Former magistrate Bill Stevenson isn't the first to resign in North Carolina but he is the first in our area, a decision he says was a no brainer.

"It was something I had to do out of conscience," said Stevenson, the now-former Gaston County magistrate.

Stevenson had only served as a Gaston County magistrate for a year-and-a-half when he decided to resign versus be forced to perform same sex marriages.

"I felt like to perform same sex unions would be in violation of the Lord's commands so I couldn't do that," said Stevenson.

Stevenson says he feels so strongly he didn't doubt walking away from his main source of income.

"I hate to wax so biblical but it says what good is it for a man to gain the whole world but lost his own soul, so that's the stakes I put on this"

Civil rights advocates say he was right to resign, but see this as a purely legal issue.

"While we understand people have their own religious beliefs we don't think this is about religious discrimination; it's really more so about magistrates doing their job and following the law," said Equality NC board member, Rick McDermott.

One thing Stevenson does agree with is the magistrate's responsbility to follow the law, which is why he said he didn't follow lead of others across the state who have refused to perform the marriages, but have not resigned.

"Romans Chapter 13 says people who believe in the Lord should submit to governing authorities and we have to face the fact this is the law now. I reasoned I couldn't both follow the law and follow the dictates of the Lord," said Stevenson.

But Stevenson says he has no hatred towards homosexuals, he just doesn't want to be part of it.

"I have love towards people who choose to live in the homosexual lifestyle. I don't agree with it, but I think the scriptures tell us to love everybody," said Stevenson.

Gaston County Clerk of Court says the decision to resign was entirely Stevenson's and they do not and cannot have an opinion on any of the issues.

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