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Is love at first sight real?

Not to burst the love bubble, but Canevello points out that romantic love actually takes time to develop with trust, respect and getting to know that other person.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The month of love is coming to a close. Did you find true love this month or are you already doing life with your forever sweetheart? 

Before February comes to a close, we wanted to look into the thought of love at first sight. Can a person actually fall in love with just one look?

On the big screen and in real life. Love, at first, is saying that's been around for thousands of years. 



"Over 60% of individuals say they have felt love at first sight at one point in their life. However, infatuation and attraction may be more accurate terms to describe this phenomenon,” Dr. Albers said. 

Both Albers and Canevello tell WCNC that love, at first sight, isn't exactly love, but is more so based on attraction, passion, and our belief system. 

"In the phycology literature, we call those destiny beliefs. People are different, but when they believe in destiny beliefs, they have that love at first sight," Canevello said. 

"Once we become aware of that attraction, all of a sudden, our bodies become flooded with dopamine, that pleasure neurotransmitter, and oxytocin, that chemical that makes us feel close and bonded to other people," Dr. Albers added. 

Not to burst the love bubble here, but Canevello points out that romantic love actually takes time to develop with trust and respect and getting to know that other person. 

"When you first see someone, you don’t know who they are; you can love what they look like and love what they present whether that’s actual love that’s debatable," Canevello said. 

Dr. Albers said the halo effect could also play a role in this, where we tend to attribute more positive characteristics to people we think are attractive. So call it what you may, love or just attraction at first sight. It all depends on your definition of love. 

Contact Meghan Bragg at mbragg@wcnc.com and follow her on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

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